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No change comes about without death.
The glimmer of joy contained in a space we understand unravels in tiny steps, in small glimpses for the vastness of eternity and possibility is too deep for comprehension.
Out of the blue I called for a vote. Which book should I write next? “Relativity outgrew its purpose” or “The Culture of Why & The Rise of AI.” And the verdict came loud and clear.
AI being the topic of the day took the lead. Not surprising considering it is the transformation everyone fears killing their dreams, careers, and future.
Thus in early January, I took on the challenge and led the announcement with these few words: “There is nothing scarier than that which can deeply transform you — 2024, here we gooooo!”
And boy was I right and it had nothing to do with AI.
I am barely six months in and could already notice what the expansion into realms I have not visited before is doing. It is creating a new me that I can’t fully recognize.
The more the interviews, the more the research, the more one world shrinks and another grows. And I know it because I have been there before and the signals of transformation are all too true.
Something is dying and left behind and something else is taking its place.
And with feelings, we don’t want, they invite themselves like children throwing a tantrum caring to tend to us because they cannot understand what they are experiencing.
Anger, denial, and self-doubt are the harbingers of the change they are witnessing and dreading to allow it through. The deception of a mind that does not want to lose its old self to one it is scared to get to know.
And to grasp the chasm that is being created, we ought to understand what happens when change is stifled.
Almost a decade ago, I fell prey to a world I created stung by the incessant calling for more control, I sought a smaller realm for me to operate it. Over a decade of that, I reigned supreme and my mind was happy as a fiddle with no outburst of neither anger nor joy.
It was the absence of change in the confines of a world destined to perish. Because in the midst of it all in every moment something is already changing whether we will it or not.
And in the realm of nothing dying, the cries were silenced by a louder cry that could not be heard, and on a solemn night, I found myself waking up or better yet escaping through the strings of a guitar that paved my passage out.
It was creation in its most pristine form, in a simple arpeggio on a classical guitar that put me into a trance that slowly dissolved the prison and allowed me to die.
Yet, in the promise of a mind that is capable of all, we missed the opportunities that sit beyond it. We are scared of grief. We are scared of anger. We are scared of the harbingers.
In our attempt to not feel them, we do not allow ourselves to die, and then we succumb to true death. Because there is nothing worse than the trenches of a world numb to its own demise where we have lost the art of dying.
As I designed the new home for “The Culture of Why & The Rise of AI” author community, I felt the joy of seeing a new me unravel in a story yet to be told born on the heels of all the deaths I have witnessed.
Until next time,