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Change happens in the connections we see.
The reign of history tells a story of connected dots that usher about change. We prevail in witnessing the power of the transformations in retrospect. We fail to understand that it only exists as a function of the connection we can make.
It was said that in a distant land lived two geniuses. One which was obsessed with keeping a ledger of every single account of what they read, and what they found every day. The ledger grew detailing each iteration so much so that they could no longer carry it.
The other didn’t have the proclivity to document and had a horrible memory. In words, they were lost so easily that whatever they consumed or created overlayed on top of their existing dataset so seamlessly that they couldn’t remember it was new.
The synthesizing was so deep that it overshadowed the iterations.
One day they met to compare notes on how far their genius has evolved. And the first in merely seconds threw the book on the floor and towering in size it stood taller than their counterpart.
They didn’t have to say a word.
Their competition on the other hand stood idle and baffled. Genius they were yet with no book to carry as proof. The iterations had disappeared. And while that may be true neither is less of a genius even with no book to relate the story.
Relatively speaking, a tower-sized ledger holds its weight and can be easily seen and often that is where we get distracted and lost. We trust in what we see and that’s fair yet it misses on so much that is there that couldn’t be visualized.
Where change is predicated on two states for one to be transformed into another, what happens when we cannot recognize the dots? The delta becomes much harder to see and we lose sight of the progress made.
Yet while that is how we can reason and understand change that is not a true reflection of the reality at hand. There is never a moment where change stops. Everything is in constant motion whether we can see it or not.
And it is hard to believe that when the focus is dead center at a state too far away from where we are. We get lost in the change we expect to see rather than the one which is underway.
The fight is well and alive where the mind struggles to comprehend so it resists the notion irrespective of whether it already happened, is happening, or is about to be in a different state.
It takes a leap of faith sometimes to trust in what we cannot see and comprehend.
If change becomes a compressed state that is continuously molded into a new genius that forgets it ever was any less we can no longer worry about the delta and focus on the alchemy happening at hand.
Where every concoction thrown in the cauldron of our lives is a connection we trust is changing us, realizing our mind will resist but it will bubble its way regardless. A new potion is bound to happen and a new state to be achieved whether we feel in control of it or not.
The relationships prevail in delivering the change we need and cannot expect. The mind rests at ease while relentlessly throwing fits because it cannot but do that and that’s ok. We will witness the connections unravel change without needing to worry about fully seeing it.
How we define our relationship to what we ought to be creates the necessary connections to be transformed. The genius is always there no matter the records that prove its existence.
Until next time,