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Understanding underscores inquiry and not knowledge.
The carnage endured by standing in the middle of the road waiting to be hit is nothing compared to how willfully ignorant we have become in understanding.
But that’s our nature. As soon as we can blab our mouths run and the questions onslaught comes. We question almost anything and everything. The smart things, the stupid things, and the cute things. All are part of it and none is discriminated against.
And then school starts. And one exam follows the other. From one score to another, we shift our attention to solutions and answers. We forget about the questions.
We succumb to the machinery of progress reports and annual performance checks. Our lives become governed by the knowledge and the data points we have amassed. We hang them as trophies of accolades accomplished.
We become experts.
And as experts we preach. We present. And we push our thoughts. We earned to stand on the pedestal and showcase our expertise. Kids we are no more and as such we lost something we can no longer see.
We lost the art of questioning. The marvel that sifts through the noise of knowledge unassuming and unapologetic. For it wants to understand. It wants to learn.
I dread looking at the news these days to tell you what is happening. But no more feedback loops exist that nourish understanding.
We either are barking downstream or complaining upstream. In neither, we take a moment to open ourselves to understanding — to search for problems and not solutions.
To nag in front of the big mountains of truths we hide behind and dismantle them one by one incessantly. The end of all change starts with absolute truths.
In the absence of seeking a problem, we dissolve into the bliss of the mediocre status quo. The winds die and the sailboat stops. In the salty waters under the scorching sun, it slowly decays and dies.
And that is not to dismiss knowledge and the myriad of opportunities it created. Yet it would be remiss if we do not wake up to realize what got us here. Underscoring understanding always sits inquiry and not knowledge.
The night came and the waves reigned. Crashing one by one the beach retreated into its solemn state until the next day came with more noise breaking its rhythm for life interrupts only to keep on living.
Until next time,