Connection is undeniable.
Nothing harbors indecision like the GREAT Decision. When everything hangs in the balance we cannot move. But what is everything and how did we come to that conclusion in the first place?
I had to slow down and take a pause. Was it the excessive oxygen that I was not used to? …or the rawness of it all? …or simply my distracted mind blocking whatever “it” was trying to invade my being.
I don’t know.
The colors and the wildness of it all was so vivid that it didn’t respect a NO for an answer overtaking my senses and every inch of any cognitive function I had.
The forest blatantly posited its presence and demanded attention. I couldn’t but respect it. It gave me no choice. It was so raw and unfiltered it brought me to my knees crouched I was slowly taking it in before I could take another step.
The forest won.
Steeped in isolation and separation, it was beyond overwhelm. It was birthed from the safety of definitions that I thought would protect me but didn’t — language constructed in limited words and visual constructs that gave only the illusion of control roamed free.
The hubris of humanity is that it thought that in defining we gain leverage over the indefinite. In every inch we recognize and name a thing we have gained a new form of power. And I fell for it.
The more definitions we knew, the more intelligent we grew.
And while that may be true — it only ever is valuable if what we defined doesn’t sit in isolation. And that’s because the nature of our existence is that of endless connection. If it does not have the means to flow it ceases to exist.
That was my mistake. And the definitions won that day.
It is the trap of definitions in the form of a limited set of language whether visual auditory or spoken giving the illusion of options for a decision to be made.
The mind operates in the limited and will always be restricted from seeing the full potential to the undeniable truth of the connectedness that makes these decisions obsolete.
For in the definitions that our mind understands we will most definitely feel trapped. Yet here lies the beauty. The world will always sprout us out for connection exists even when the definitions fail to see it. Ain’t that a relief? Once we accept that a world of connection cannot be except in connection everything falls into place.
Into the forest, a step was taken. Wild mushrooms were collected. Wild berries red and blue were eaten out of the wild bush. And of course a scare and a jump of a lifetime — imagine matrix style flying up in the air — encountering a black snake slithering its way below my feet.
Until next time,
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