Resonance doesn’t disappear when we cannot recognize it.
We seek resonance. The jolly feeling of reciprocity with people, things, environments… and in this endeavor we mistaken the search for it as a lack of connection rather than our inability to recognize its existence.
The heartbeat is so loud, that everything else drowns in its presence. It is deafening. Our body senses it before we do. It primes its faculties to endure it.
The focus dissolves into the step and the beat slowly gets louder and louder leaving us isolated from the world around us.
We rarely experience these moments but when we do, we never forget them. And we leave forever changed — the mark of a life-changing moment.
No matter the preparation. No matter the anticipation. When it is happening, we cannot escape it. We fall into it almost always ill-prepared because it never can be any other way.
In this isolation and seemingly profound separation, the deepest connection that changes us the most happens. Yet, in that moment, it feels exactly the opposite of what is unfolding.
Can you remember when was the last time you heard your heartbeat so loud? Being far from it now can you recognize the change that it created?
It is easier to make enemies. It is easier to delegate the responsibility. It is easier to shed the blame on anything and anyone. Trusting the separation is easier than acknowledging a vibe exists.
We experience this distance by engaging in major change endeavors. We succumb to it in relationships. And in every instance, we forget how loud our own heartbeat was coming into a space that is new or foreign.
We forget the connection that was born in the aftermath of such encounters.
We may feel incompetent or not ready for it. We will feel we could have done better. And while that may be, we cannot deny that regardless, the engagement and the connection are inevitable.
That’s exactly what happens when we try to vibe with a resonance distant from ours. The exposure is massive and it requires sometimes more than we can handle. We are not always ready for it.
That’s why our body contracts. It is preparing for impact and it shrinks to its core. If our insecurities burden us, we cannot handle it. It is too much to bear.
It’s easier to shut things out rather than expose ourselves and put our insecurities on display. Yet, that doesn’t mean the resonance doesn’t exist it only means that in that moment we are not ready to see it.
The exposure and how to connect no matter how foreign or isolated we feel is difficult. Thus this week, I am launching Daily Heartbeat — a real conversation about the human experience to drip-feed some of this rawness and fragility we fear.
Until next time,
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